Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

500 Fishermen Dancers Ready to Grace Bulfest 2014

500 Fishermen Dancers Ready to Grace Bulfest 2014If the Teruna Jaya Dance poses the icon of Buleleng Festival (Bulfest) 2013, so the celebration of Bulfest 2014 is ready to come with Fishermen Dance composed by choreographer I Ketut Merdana from Kedis village, Busungbiu subdistrict. It will be performed en masse as one of the attractions at the opening of the Buleleng Festival that will take place on August 6-10, 2014.
This dance will be performed by 500 dancers originating from the circles of students of high school, vocational school and college in Northern Bali.
They will make performance along the Jalan Ngurah Rai, Singaraja. “The dance has moral messages to the community of Buleleng that actually has abundant potentials of the arts and have not been explored maximally,” said Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Gede Suyasa, after leading the coordination meeting on the preparation of the Bulfest, Monday (Jul 7).
The Bulfest of this year featured the theme ‘Dynamics of Buleleng’ and this Fishermen Dance was considered appropriate with the theme namely the marine potential of Buleleng. “This is a result of our discussion with the artists of Buleleng. The theme and moment are appropriate as the revival to the maritime spirit of Buleleng,” he explained