Unique Tradition in Mengwi Grand Palace
A Symbol to Unite Leader and Its People
According to Anak Agung Mayun Eman, serving as the committee and denoting as relative of the Mengwi Grand Palace, the series of Pedudusan Agung whose peak was carried out on June 25 had been preceded with various processions, including escorting Jro Luh to Grand Palace and welcomed by Baleputra Batu with the welcoming devotees of about 500 people on Thursday (Jun 12). “Meanwhile, the unique tradition posing hereditary tradition as an expression of devotion as well as symbol of the people-leader merger was held from Friday (Jun 13),” he said.
Mayun Eman explained that meleladan posed a unique tradition at Mengwi Palace, where the resident around Mengwi region would come to the palace and brought donation for ritual needs that would be presented by royal family to the Creator of the universe so the balance and harmony could be realized. “People strongly believe if the sacrifice is intended for the balance and safety of the entire community in Badung and even including the universe. On that account, the sacrifice got fully supports from the community,” he explained.
In the meantime, the subdistrict head of Mengwi, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Saputra, also said that after escorting Jro Luh, in a series of the Padudusan Agung ritual in the Mengwi Palace was resumed with peed procession namely meleladan by Mengwitani customary villagers accompanied by 1,000 people with panca gita and gamelan music. On the next day, namely June 14 about 16:00 was implemented the meleladan by Pemaksan Dalem Kutuh and on June 15 by residents of Mengwi customary villagers.