An Interesting Collaboration of Kid Artists
Enchanting Rare Roro Arja Operetta
Are children today only able to play? Oh.... it’s not entirely correct. Have a look at their action in the Bali Arts Festival (BAF) XXXVI at the Bali Art Center. For a whole month (Jun 13 to Jul 12), they make expressions in some art programs. Some are involved in the opening parade, staging to competition or parade.Many people recognize the portion of children is very small, but children are still able to show off an interesting and artistic creativity. For example, it can be seen in the parade of kid Gong Kebyar, parade of Balinese pop song, kid gender gamelan competition, young puppeteer competition, ngelawang or street show as well as many dance that almost all of the were alluring. Their creativity could hypnotize the visitors of BAF.