Tumpek Krulut
Valentine’s Day of Balinese Gamelan Arts
Deputy Dean doubling as lecturer at the State Hindu Dharma Institute (IHDN) of Denpasar, Dr. I Made Surada, said that Tumpek Krulut was a holy day for worshiping God in his manifestation as Lord Ishvara. He was the god of the art being identical to sacred sounds, musical instrument that gave rise to a wonderful sense. “Tumpek Krulut is moment to express gratitude to him,” said Surada.
Tumpek Krulut, explained Surada, was interpreted as love because the word lulut itself meant ‘love’ and ‘compassion.’ Tumpek Krulut was celebrated every 210 days on Saniscara Kliwon. “This moment is one of the implementations of Tri Hita Karana involving yajña or sacrifice. Sacrifice is part of a sincere love,” he explained.
Balinese day of love has existed since ancient times. However, many people do not understand if it is a day of love. Typically, the art instrument consecrated belongs to traditional musical instruments such as gong, gender, angklung, flute, xylophone, holy bell, selonding and saron.
In harmony with the development of time, explained the artist of arja operetta from Keramas Gianyar, the musical instrument consecrated varied. Guitar, drums, piano, trumpet and other musical instruments were also consecrated. “This development does not affect the meaning. Precisely it enriches the nuance because both can mutually fill in and develop side by side in the form of a collaborative art,” he said.
In the celebration of the Tumpek Krulut devotees did not worship to musical instruments. But they prayed for them so that they could be useful in human life, both for the owners and the audience. “A traditional artist will invoke divine energy or vibration (taksu) on that day,” he said.
He explained that procession of Tumpek Krulut ritual was based on respective local tradition and situation. It was started with a self-purification better known as suci Laksana and resumed with the arrangement of gamelan instruments. After that, the gamelan instruments were sprinkled with holy water to eliminate impurities.
The offerings applied usually contained rice cone. A grandiose offering usually used bebangkit and should be officiated over by higher priest. Meanwhile, the regular offering consisting of peras, pengambean, ajuman and tipat gong was officiated over by temple priest. “In the celebration, the people are not allowed to play musical instrument carelessly. Moreover, the sacred ones should be played with beautiful tones that can generate langu or enjoyment.www.bali-travelnews.com