Rindik, a Balinese Folk Musical Art
To play the blades of rindik requires a good concentration because both hands should be able to play the mallet (beater) with different tempo and composition. The beat of left hand sets the tempo, while the right hand plays kotekan in accordance with the rhythm of gamelan composition played. Sometimes it can be fast and tender. Uniform of the players is not too flossy. They usually wear fabric, saput, selempot, clothes and headdress. If the performance is intended for reception or a large ceremonial event, the uniform put on by players usually arranged beautifully like a dancer. A combination of colors and patterns has become a main thing. Sometimes, it is embellished with yellowish golden leaf.
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dibia said the traditional musical instrument was estimated to origin from pejogedan art emerging in 1940s. Pejodegan art was the development of Joged Pingitan circa 1811. After the independence period, it then developed into Joged Bumbung having full expression and spontaneity. As a popular art, continued Dibia, rindik was very appropriate to be combined with dance movements having the formality space. At the beginning, the Joged Bumbung emerged as a sensual dance, but not erotic. “Well, in the later development Joged Bumbung features erotic motion. As a result, it kindles an unfair judgment,” he said.
According to Dibia, we could not blame them (the joged dancers) alone. “Probably, it indicates if people are in severe stress or it also becomes the people’s demand today,” said the lecturer in the Indonesia Institute of Arts (ISI) Denpasar seriously. Similar opinion was also revealed by I Wayan Wendra. This man having composed dozens of gamelan musical art said the birth of rindik was predicted to come from the tingklik (bamboo blade musical instrument). Tingklik was estimated to have existed since 1930s. “The birth of rindik started when farmers were relaxing while hitting galar (bamboo mat). As sounding fun, they were then given the tone to produce very melodious sounds,” he said.
The tingklik then used intact bamboo stuffed with resonance chamber to produce tender tone. Creativity of the Hindu community in Bali was high and then the rindik was combined with dance, so that it developed into jejogedan accompanying the Joged Bumbung dance. “Almost all the regions in Bali have this art. This musical instrument is very close to the life of farmers in Bali,” he said.To make rindik instrument, added Wendra, people used selected bamboo to generate a nice tone. Other than being dry, the bamboo should also have a matching thickness. “A fanatic rindik player usually makes it from dry bamboo at place, not cleared it first before dried out,” he said.
According to him, every region in Bali has special day to present the offerings for the gamelan instrument. Meanwhile, each craftsman would not have different ability. “People who can make the rindik have strong auditory tone of gamelan,” he said.http://bali-travelnews.com