Taman Ayun Temple at Central Badung
As the Royal Family temple of the Raja of Mengwi

Taman Ayun is a beautifully apointed temple, with its own surrounding
moat, in the village at Mengwi, Badung Regency, 18 Km. West of Denpasar.
The history of this temple is closely associated with the begining of
the Rajadom of Mengwi, in 1627 B.C. it was built in 163-1AD. at the time
at the rule of the first Raja of Mengwi. I Gusti Agung Ngurah Made
Agung, who later become known as Ida Cokorda Sakti Belambangan. As the
Royal Family temple of the Raja of Mengwi. This temple is a place to
worship the Royal ancestors, who find their rest in a special shrine
known as the "Gedong Paibon".www.bali-travelnews.com