Explore Your Creativity
There will be performance on the dance by the art group who won the dance competition in bali. In the performance will be shown the correct Juged Bungbung dance in terms on movement and structures. “Joged Bungbung will become the icon of the event as an effort to revive the good image of the beautiful dance,” said the head of the LBF Committee, Nyoman Sarjana in Selato Pizza on Padma Street, Tuesday, August 19.
He also stated that the dance is actually a friendship dance and it is possible to make the dance as the tools to make friend with other nations. “We can collaborate with the foreigners in the dance. This is one of the reasons why we chose Joged Bungbung as the icon of the event,” Sarjana said.
LBF will be filled with many interesting activities such as for children, there will be painting and drawing, and also dance competition. For surfing lovers, there will be a special session with professional trainers from abroad. Surfing contest and fun bike also will be carried out in the event.
LBF is also aiming to make Legian as the promotion event in Bali because many regencies in Indonesia take part in the event. They will present their own unique culture and nature. “Many stands are built to give the opportunity to many regencies including those in Bali to promote their own uniqueness,” Sarja explained